Restorative Dental Care in Bellevue, WA

Trust Dr. Cheong

Restorative services are essential for repairing damage caused by tooth decay, gum disease, and dental trauma as well as replacing missing or damaged teeth. At Bellevue Dental Oasis, we always strive to offer our patients the least invasive treatment options while still providing them with exceptional results. To learn more about our services or schedule your next visit, please contact us!

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woman at the dentist

Tooth-Colored Dental Fillings

Composite fillings are used to fill in decayed sections of teeth that have to be removed. We design our fillings to match the shade of the patient’s natural teeth so that it blends in seamlessly. Tooth-colored fillings are also typically safer to use than silver fillings and don’t require as much of the healthy part of the tooth to be removed.

illustration of a dental crown

Dental Crowns & Bridges

Dental crowns are tooth-colored caps that are made to fit over a single tooth and restore its natural appearance while protecting it from tooth decay and dental trauma. Bridges are similar dental restorations that look like three or more crowns that are attached together, and they can protect and support weak and damaged teeth as well as replace missing teeth.

man at the dentist

Periodontal Care

Patients who have advanced gum disease should schedule periodontal treatments with our team on a regular basis to keep their teeth and gums as clean and healthy as possible. Periodontal care typically includes thorough teeth cleanings, scaling, and root planing. With proper care, periodontal disease can be controlled and kept from advancing into more severe forms of periodontitis and causing tooth, gum, and jawbone deterioration.

dentist working with a patient

Root Canal Therapy

Root canals are performed when an infection occurs inside a tooth. The dental pulp, or the blood vessels and tissue inside the tooth, must be removed so the tooth can be cleaned and sealed. A dental crown is typically placed once the treatment is complete. While root canals have a negative reputation, they can be a less invasive, preferable alternative to a dental extraction.

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Dental Extractions

Dental extractions can be recommended to patients for a myriad of reasons. If a tooth has incurred too much damage, for example, it may be best to remove it and replace it altogether. In other cases, they are removed due to crowding, or the tooth is impacted in the gums. Regardless of the reason, our team offers gentle and efficient dental extractions, and we only recommend them when we believe they’re truly necessary.

smiling young man

Dental Implants

Dental implants are durable tooth-replacement options that can last for decades when treated with proper care. After a titanium post has been surgically implanted into the gums, a natural-looking artificial tooth is attached to the top. Implants can be used to replace a few teeth or all of the teeth if the patient would like to receive implant-supported dentures.

person holding up a set of dentures

Full & Partial Dentures

Full dentures are used to replace an entire arch of teeth, either the top arch, bottom arch, or both. Partial dentures are designed to fill in any gaps in your smile with a removable appliance that clips onto the surrounding teeth. Our dentures are custom made to look natural and fit comfortably.

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Wisdom Teeth Removal

The wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that are the last teeth to grow in. It’s quite common for wisdom teeth to grow in incorrectly or become impacted. Many dental offices have to refer patients to oral surgeons for wisdom teeth removal, but should you or someone in your household need one or more wisdom teeth removed, our team can assist.

dentist working with a patient

Bone Graft Procedures

When one or more teeth are missing for an extended period of time, the jawbone can begin to deteriorate and become less healthy. Bone graft procedures help restore the jawbone, which can be crucial for certain services like dental implant placements. Our team can assess your jawbone health, current treatment plan, and medical history to determine if a bone graft oral surgery procedure is right for you.

Have a question about any of our services? Ready to schedule your next visit? Please contact us!

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